Thanks for coming back for another episode all about Facebook groups!
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you might want to go back and catch the last couple of episodes where I talked about launching a Facebook group. Today we’re continuing the discussion by talking about growing your group.
You’ve started your group, gotten a few members and some content ideas, now what?! You need more people!
In this episode, we’re covering how to get more people in your group, how to have a bigger impact, and how to find more ideal customers.
Whether you have a Facebook group already, or you think you might want one in the future, these episodes are going to help you out.

Episode #44 Takeaways
- Put out social posts about your group every week.
- Include links to your group in your emails.
- Put your Facebook group on your website homepage.
- You can talk about your group in relevant blog posts.
- Facebook and Instagram Lives are a good place to share your group.
- Don’t forget to mention your exclusive freebie for group members in your live videos.
- Do some interviews on podcasts that your audience listens to.
- Utilize your lead magnet thank-you-page.
- Teach your group members how to share the group with others.
So now you have a group filled with members. It’s not over yet! Check back next week for an episode about engaging your Facebook group!
In the meantime, I have a free resource for you that includes 50 different posts for your Facebook group. What makes this resource so great is that while there are 50 posts, when you read each question, it will lead you to think about ten more questions. So… that’s a whole lot of posts. You can get hold of it HERE.
I would love to connect with you! You can find me on Instagram at @not_so_wimpy_entrepreneur.

50 Not So Wimpy Facebook Group Posts (that actually get engagement)
Building authentic community on Facebook is one of the best ways to build trust with your audience and get them excited to buy from you! But it doesn’t have to be complicated. These 50 posts have given us amazing engagement and so I’m sharing them with you! Use them exactly or tweak them for your ideal customer.
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