Do you want to know how you can make more money without having to create more products?
Let’s chat about pricing your TpT resources!
I know that people have very different opinions when it comes to pricing, but here’s what I think: You are underpricing your resources.
I know this to be true because I do it too. We want to create resources that teachers can afford, so we undersell ourselves. What if it doesn’t have to be that way?
In this episode, I am sharing 5 tips to help you decide on fair prices for your TpT resources. Don’t worry, I’m not telling you to have crazy high prices or rip off your audience. I believe that you need to have prices that are reasonable and attainable for your audience, while also giving you the return on investment that you deserve.

Episode #79 Takeaways
- You deserve to be paid for your value.
- There is no mathematical formula for pricing resources.
- Do not price by page number.
- Stop deciding that teachers can’t afford resources that are priced appropriately.
- Teachers will pay for value.
- Think about what has to be included in a resource to give it more value.
- Stop looking at other people’s prices.
- Don’t overthink it.
- Don’t raise your price right before a sitewide sale.
- Pay attention to your data.
I hope this episode gives you some new ideas and a fresh perspective. I encourage you to take some time today or this week to look at your TpT store. Pick one product or line that probably needs to be increased, and start there!
Remember, you deserve to charge what you are worth.
Find me on social media to let me know what you thought of this episode and what you’d like to hear more of in the future!
I would love to connect with you! You can find me on Instagram at @not_so_wimpy_entrepreneur.
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