Featured Special Guest
Jamie Trull
Jamie founded Balance CFO LLC in 2018 with a vision to help women entrepreneurs reach for their dreams and achieve their financial goals. She is passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and their impact.Are you ready to talk about all things finances?
I have Jamie Trull on the podcast today, and we are talking all about getting your business finances ready for 2021.
I know that might sound boring, but if you’re not a numbers person, Jamie is definitely the person you want to talk to about this stuff. She makes it so easy.
I have learned the hard way how important it is to have a plan for your money, and Jamie is going to talk to you about her profit plan and the different percentages of her profit that she puts into different buckets.
So if you’ve ever wondered how much you should invest in your business, how much you should set aside for taxes, or whether you should be hiring, Jamie is going to answer your questions.
I’m also picking Jamie’s brain about Facebook groups and how she grew such a super successful business in such a short period of time.

Episode #47 Takeaways
- Money is not inherently good or evil.
- There’s no shame in making money.
- Don’t be afraid to invest in your business.
- You can change the story that you teach your children about money.
- A Facebook group can be an amazing resource for your business.
- The percentage that you reinvest in your business will depend on your goals.
- Invest in trying new things.
- Act on the things you’ve already bought before buying something new.
- Look at what’s paid off in the past and let that inform your decisions in the future.
- Hire to scale.
- Get a bookkeeper.
If thinking about finances has been stressing you out, I hope this episode simplified things for you and gave you some goals to focus on. You deserve the money you make, and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise!
I would love to connect with you! You can find me on Instagram at @not_so_wimpy_entrepreneur.
Links Mentioned in this Episode

3 Time-saving Strategies to Run a 7-Figure Business in 20 Hours Per Week
Do you feel like there’s never enough time? A lot of entrepreneurs will tell you working overtime is the only way to grow, but it’s not true. These simple strategies have allowed me to focus on the right things and explode my business while only working part-time.
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